Guarana, the natural stimulant

<strong>Guarana, der natürliche Wachmacher<strong>
Everyone knows the feeling of not being able to start the day without several cups of coffee or other stimulants.

Guarana is a very good alternative to conventional coffee, because every single seed of the guarana plant contains up to 8% pure caffeine. This is up to 3 times more than in conventional coffee beans. They contain a maximum of 2.5% caffeine. Another argument in favor of guarana is that, in contrast to coffee, the caffeine in guarana is only released gradually.

Although the caffeine of the guarana plant takes up to 45 minutes to develop its full effect, it can last for up to 6 hours. Because the guarani is released gently and piece by piece, it is considered to be more digestible and gentle on the stomach than coffee or black tea.

The stimulating effect is also supported by a study by the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne. Even small amounts of guarana had an effect here. Participants in the study became noticeably more attentive. The scientists are sure that the reason could not have been the contained caffeine, because the test amount was so small that the caffeine could not have had a great effect.